Each of our services
will be covered in greater detail in their dedicated sections, but are
briefly summarised here as follows:
Strategy consulting
Most businesses from time to time require external
assistance in order to bring fresh ideas and the benefits of a more objective
view, supported by specialist knowledge of the external market and experience
of managing major strategic projects.
Our consulting service is based on exceptional experience in the wealth
management sector which is continually updated by ongoing research to
keep our knowledge and insights at the forefront of market trends. Our
approach is flexible and practical and we use our knowledge to deliver
recommendations which are realistic and actionable, minimising the need
for additional research. 
Market research
Too many wealth management projects have been launched
on the basis of fragmented and misleading market data and we are aware
that institutions now require investment decisions to be based on more
comprehensive analysis. Through our extensive knowledge and existing database,
supported by a dedicated research function, we have exceptional ability
to bring together all the relevant research to support a specific decision.
Client Research
Relationship managers rarely provide adequate feedback
of changing client needs, attitudes and behaviours. Equally, paper based
surveys can provide highly misleading results, unless they are supported
by 'in depth interviews' with clients and introducers, conducted by specialists
with intimate knowledge of the sector.
We have exceptional experience of such 'in depth surveys' and are able
to provide a team of specialist interviewers, which general research houses
find difficult to match.
Client segmentation
As the range of client choice increases, wealth
managers are increasingly under pressure to define more explicitly the
segments which they seek to serve, not only in terms of wealth levels,
but in terms of their attitudes, behaviours and buying habits.
This can be a complex, but rewarding task and we have developed an approach
based on years of successful experience in segmentation and niche marketing.

Brand positioning
Increasing competition has highlighted the need to develop distinctive
brands which convey quite specific messages to their target audiences.
We apply our deep understanding of the sector to ensure creative, brand
strategies and market positioning, consistent with the overall business
plan. We work alongside other agencies to implement brand strategy and
help design marketing communications. 
Relationship management
Relationship management is core to the wealth management
proposition, but is often ill defined, lacking in tangible benefits and
unsupported by appropriate tools, structures and processes. Rather than
focusing purely on technology solutions, we provide an integrated approach
to client relationship management, covering all aspects from job definition
and internal structures, to training, communications and support systems.
Change management
Many wealth managers recognise the need for fundamental
cultural change, to meet the challenges of the evolving market.
Our approach involves building consistent understanding of the behavioural
changes required across the organisation, addressing the genuine concerns
of individuals at every level. We also provide the necessary support and
training to ensure that the changing culture is reflected in the decisions
and behaviour of the leadership team.
Strategic diligence
Many wealth managers seek acquisitions as a platform
for the development of new markets and new services. However, without
deep understanding of sector, most investment banks and accounting firms
have limited ability to assess the strategic fit. We are able to respond
extremely rapidly and apply our existing knowledge and experience to appraising
whether the target can realistically meet the strategic expectations,
over what time frame and at what cost.
Maximising the potential of key staff is paramount
to the success and long term future of all organisations. We recognise
the need in today's market for all solutions to have both a business focus
and deliver business benefits. We can offer advice and assistance in designing
integrated development programmes, executive coaching, personality profiling
and assessment/development techniques.