Market research consistently confirms that potential
clients and introducers find it difficult to distinguish one wealth manager
from another, hence new client acquisition has been excessively dependent
on personal relationships. But fundamental changes are taking place in
the selection process and professional introducers are under pressure
to explain differences of approach and style between increasingly numerous
The creation of a brand is not only about building awareness, but is an
attempt to influence how your institution will be described by an introducer
to a potential client. In the absence of a clear message which is relevant
to the particular client, you are unlikely to get on the list.
But wealth management is a particularly complex sector of which most brand
consultancies have little knowledge or experience. Some banks have already
made serious mistakes by launching 'off the wall' brands in their efforts
to project a more modern image, based on over- simplistic analysis of
the market.
We believe the brand lies at the heart of the corporate strategy and of
the management process. Every operational decision, from a major internal
restructuring to a local sales initiative should be judged against its
impact on the brand, as well as other factors. The brand is as important
for attracting staff and influencing their behaviour as it is for attracting
new clients
mapping: The process
normally starts with a brand mapping exercise to compare your brand against
leading competitors in each of your main target markets. The dimensions
of the analysis may vary from one market to another, but will include
perceptions of the strength of association with different client groups
and products, types and levels of expertise, service quality and style,
relationship management, values, prestige etc.
Integration with corporate strategy: Our
approach will identify what features and brand characteristics need to
be changed to achieve corporate objectives and how these impact on other
key management decisions or corporate behaviour, seeking to resolve any
serious conflicts.
Implementation: We will work with other
agencies where necessary to implement brand strategy and help design marketing